Limited-edition digital collectibles providing one-of-a-kind interactive experiences for superfans that evolve with the coaches, athletes and their performances.


Finding the Underdog was looking for a one of a kind Web3 feature to help promote the sports brand and support athletes in their program with NIL.


Rather than creating a large collection of cheap digital trading cards, we’ll be creating extremely limited-edition, one-of-a-kind interactive experiences for superfans that evolve with the athletes and their performances.
We proposed a series of dynamic collectibles (dNFTs), that evolve as each athlete grows. New levels of content and access unlock with every passing achievement, increasing the value for holders and traders.

VIP Access

These evolving collectibles are the golden tickets to an extremely exclusive club with benefits IRL and Metaverse, helping to build brand awareness centered around our star athletes and inspiring the next generation by leveraging cutting-edge tech that can serve to attract prospective talent. Now in Development.